Mobility Scooters Accessoires

Mobility scooter accessories provide a comfortable and practical ride.
To enjoy your scooter or wheelchair even more, there are many accessories for sale. Our range is constantly expanding, and includes, for example, a cane holder, mirrors, lap cloth, scooter cover and baskets and windshields.
Available accessories depend on the scooter type.
Ask about the possibilities, we are happy to talk to you.
Price list accesories:
* Basket front Midi, Maxi and Maxer black/large €84.50
* Basket support front Midi,
Maxi and Maxer € 24.95
* Basket back Midi, Maxi and Maxer € 159.95
* Caneholder € 119,95
* Walker holder € 109.95
* Windshield universal € 155.00