Maintenance and servicing
We can carry out maintenance and service work on your electric vehicle.
We can also collect and return your vehicle for you.
The brands we maintain are:
Move Electric Vehicle
Green World Mobility
Kymco Health

We have parts for service and repairs in stock for these brands.
A small number of damaged parts such as mirrors and lighting parts are in stock.
Warranty work can also be carried out on vehicles supplied by us.
Thanks to years of experience, we can give your vehicle the attention it needs for many safe kilometers and driving pleasure.
For fault diagnosis we have the right testers, battery chargers and software to bring your vehicle back to optimal condition.
Electric vehicles require less maintenance than vehicles that run on fossil fuels.
But maintenance and inspections remain important! Wear parts are of course present on an electric vehicle.
During maintenance, all vital parts are checked. We will contact you in case of repairs and/or additional costs.
The work is carried out under the Bovag warranty conditions.